Organic Turf Maintenance Products
Growing Great Turf Organically Starts with Sourcing the Highest Quality Organic Turf Maintenance Products
The turf lawn care products we source comes directly from the manufacturer or source, allowing the Pureganix team to custom-build products based on the client's needs. Our team will work within the project framework to provide a catered program to achieve the results of the client.
Our seed cultivars are hand selected to create the highest quality blends. Pureganix will custom blend seed for a client’s specific application and help consult on which varieties to use, given your goals. Seed blends for residential applications will defer from those developed for a high use sports field. It is this flexibility in customization that enables each blend to be specific.
We source our fertilizers from a small group of dedicated manufacturers committed to producing consistent science-based blends. Pureganix can customize fertilizer blends based on the client’s needs to ensure ideal organic turf maintenance and growth. Fertilizer is the program's food source, and each food program differs based on the client.
Soil Amendments
Soil amendments add another layer of health and control to the growing medium. When customizing individual programs, we utilize our three core elements of organic seed and fertilizer, plus the best organic soil amendments, to create a successful program. We complement our purely organic products with best-in-class turf management services like soil testing and custom seed blending.
View Product Labels & Safety Data Sheets
We stand by our products, which are sourced from the best ingredients and designed to maximize turf growth and health. Contact us today to request product labels and certifications for our organic turf care products.